
No police officers in charge: Arméierte Mann soll Leit menacéiert hunn, Sich geet weider

No police officers in charge: Arméierte Mann soll Leit menacéiert hunn, Sich geet weider

We are a Freideg at the Nomëtteg of the police who participate, koum and his intervention in Peppeng in the Rue des Ponts.

The police is a Freideg name of the lancert of the Appel, who tries to help the car of the peppeng and the mathematicians. Well, no, no, just mate. Et géif no scarier suspekter Persoun gesicht ginn, heescht et. Oh, the helicopter was such a special moment.

Stand at the same time as the police officers, the survey will be given after a day. D’Police communicates, says to acquire a new Ament.

D’Police writes about engem Verdächtegen with Nordic African Origins, an English Jeansbox, black-white Turnschong and English black Jacket unhuet. All information can be found at 113.

During the war and the special unit with the armed forces, the struggle began with the intervention of the goufen. The police patrol was on most of the roads in Asaz and his armed forces. We and RTL-Mataarbechter zu Peppeng heescht, go to the Asaz on a private house in the Rue des Ponts konzentréieren.

Um Freideg den Owend at 10:30 p.m. The police showed up at Nofro hello dear, if the Asaz is just a little longer, and after all no one has an idea of ​​ginn. You’ve found that Fall-ass, you’re about to be preziséiert.

Am Beräich vum Police-Asaz zu Peppeng has recorded war No. 22, but is more of an RTL-Redaktioun-eragemellt kruten.