
Don Gilet is supplied by Weihnachtsspecial by Ermittler

Don Gilet is supplied by Weihnachtsspecial by Ermittler

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Don Gilet is supplied by Weihnachtsspecial by Ermittler
Don Gilet in “Death in Paradise” © BBC One / Lou Denim

Don Gilet performs as the new Ermittler in “Death in Paradise” op. Sein Debüt followed in the Christmas special 2024.

The BBC crime series ‘Death in Paradise’ started a new Ermittler in his journey: Don Gilet, who waged war in ‘Shetland’ and ‘Sherwood’, while detective Mervin Wilson died in the outback of Saint Marie. Wilson, a Londoner, who is a disinterested investor, but it is true that he is a greater Ermittler, who works with unconventional methods.

Everything about Christmas special from “Death in Paradise” 2024, available at

Very interesting

