
Spanien: Ein Toter en drei Verletzte bei Attacke im Kloster

Spanien: Ein Toter en drei Verletzte bei Attacke im Kloster

There are reports from the Nachrichtenagentur Europa Press and other Spanish media under the protection of the Police Guardia Civil. Nach dem Täter was fahndet, hieß es. Vermutet took place in the surrounding mountains.

A publication of the Erzbistums in Valencia has released Europa Press, a person has shaped the Kloster and has discovered the dort in his Zimmern before Geistlichen are engraved. If you attack, this can happen. Das Todesopfer is 76 years old. The change of the dreiverletzten lasted 57, 66 and 95 years.

The background of the tattoo may no longer work properly. Either way, it can’t help but be an angry Waffen hat.


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