
Sachsbeschädigungen and Ruhestörungen start on Halloween

Sachsbeschädigungen and Ruhestörungen start on Halloween

In the Canton of Zurich, the container was set on fire and the containers were damaged. Most of the services in the Canton area are provided by the Eierwürfe gegen Fassaden and Fahrzeuge as well as the Abbreen von Pyrotechnik, which the Kantonspolizei Zurich am Freitagmorgen miteilte.

More concrete companies of concrete companies, if they have the quality of their years in the Borders, are the largest quantities of the large quantities of children and youth cases that are on their way.

Also in the area you will find different Sachbedigungen. Grateful prevention and control of the Abend over the major changes, teilte the Kantonspolizei Aargau with. In the baselbiet wurden hauptsächlich Eierwürfe gegen Busse festgestellt. In the Stadt Basel the Zwischenfällen are not that big.

Goodness of the costumes correct

A Dutzend report was made in Canton Solothurn. It’s all a matter of an egg würfe and a living room or a work company that the police carry with them. The large amount of child and youth resources has been increased correctly and as standard. It is clear that the Jugendpolizei are marking more patrols in uniform and in Zivil Präsenz.

At Thonex in Canton Geneva there is a youth party, which involves a police officer with more power.

Halloween is the night before All Saints’ Day. Celtic Ursprünge was vermutet, since aber invested. The Mythology has power over the Toten on the Lebenden, which will last for a few more years. Zur Abschreckung der bösen Geister costumes themselves those people with furchterregenden Costümen and spitting themselves at night during the Strassen.

Halloween would now take place in the Catholic area of ​​the British Isles, before anything in Ireland. Auswanderer brought the Brauch into the US and through North America into the European continent in the 1990s.