
Mönch getötet, three spiritually lost

Mönch getötet, three spiritually lost

One day you will be welcomed in a Monastery in the Eastern Spanish Gilet near Valencia. If the attack happens, a person cannot be involved three more Geistliche im Kloster Santo Espíritu del Monte verletztwho can report to the Nachrichtenagentur Europa Press and other Spanish media under the supervision of the Police Guardia Civil.

Nach dem Täter was fahndethieß es. Vermutet took place in the surrounding mountains.

A Sprecher des Erzbistums Valencia has Europa Press, a person sei formittags in das Kloster eingedrungen and I found the dort in Zimmern before I noticed the problems. If you attack, this can happen.

Thats Todesopfer sei 76 Jahre alt been. The change of three losses was caused by 57, 66 and 95 angeben.

This way it is possible Backgrounds of the Tat wurden zunächst keine Angaben authorized. Either way, it can’t help but be an angry Waffen hat. (dpa)