
Halloween in Diesem Jahr vergleichsweise ruhig verlaufen

Halloween in Diesem Jahr vergleichsweise ruhig verlaufen

November 1, 2024 – Mira Oetinger

Halloween is for a Grusel-Spaß with Streichen and Schabernack. The Polizisten and Feuerwehrleute were never spared.

Süßes or Saures? Halloween war in the past and years spent with friends for Randale. Krawalle wie 2023 blieben in Hamburg in diesem Jahr aber aus. One more Couples in the city area are large groups of people who speak to the police on October 31. The einsatzkräfte relating to persons who do not work can become a platzverweise and a Aufenthaltsverbote. A more detailed Bilanz will be seen by Polizei am Montag. Zur Gewährleistung der Sicherheit was neben de Funkstreifenwagen der Polizeikommissariate auch de Landesbereitschaftspolizei in Einsatz.

In Hamburg there is the Harburger Ring in Fokus, where a certain time video überwachung eingerichtet war. A year later you can gather and cook more than 300 young people in a simple way. The police established a Wasserwerfer, one of the people who mingled. In Berlin there are police officers, a few groups with small groups of firecrackers and pyrotechnics are abgebrannt. Vorfälle is an example of Beispiel in Steglitz and in Moabit. If the door of Silvester is verboten, the identification of the meanings can be taken. Bislang is a small Brennpunkte.

Hunderte Polizisten in Berlin im Einsatz

In more regions in Germany, police are able to engage in anti-fighting activities during the night of leisure. The Berliner Polizei wants to be in Einsatz with its 750 Polizisten and Polizisten, says a Sprecher. I have been working with the police for years and 1,000 Einsatzkräfte on the road, while Polizisten from other Ländern. After the Angaben, this small gift is not a single improvement from the other half. The Polizei are located on Alexanderplatz, on Hermannplatz in Neukölln or on Pallasstraße in Schöneberg im Einsatz Sein. It is possible that the Brennpunkte is a Silvester.

Halloween hat with a Wurzeln in Celtic Mythology. Der Überlieferung nach treiben im Herbst Geister und Dämonen ihr Unwesen. Gefeiert was the festivity at the end of the kirchlichen Fest Aller Saints (“All Hallows’ Eve”).

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