
Halloween in Berlin: 130 Festnahmen nach Böllerattacken

Halloween in Berlin: 130 Festnahmen nach Böllerattacken

The Polizisten and Feuerwehrleute are busy with the Halloween Night in the Rule. That wasn’t different anyway.

In those years, look at the Halloween night at the Berlin police for a special organization. After a first Bilanz nahmen Polizisten rund 130 Menschen vorübergehend fest, who sagte a Polizeisprecherin. The beams have been removed more than 20 times. Die Polizei wolllte im Laufe des Tages Details mitteilen.

The report of the “Berliner Zeitung” about the Brenner Barricades worries Polizisten and Feuerwehrleute. Teils have an excellent representation of cars with Böllern and Feuerwerksraketen-beschossen. Schwerpunkte were on the streets in the Wedding, in Schöneberg and Kreuzberg as well in the Norden Neuköllns, in Gropiusstadt and Märkischem Viertel.

In the Gärtnerstraße in Friedrichshain, around 150 people, the Pyrotechnics, gathered together among the police. Laut “Berliner Zeitung” has written a message about a car that is autoreifen, more tons of E-Roller and part of Bauzäunen, that the Verdächtigen on the Fahrbahn-geräumt.

There were up to 750 police officers in the city area and police officers in the Halloween night in Einsatz.