
Google Maps: These details may depict your bare personal figures

Google Maps: These details may depict your bare personal figures

After a few years with various updates and updates for Google Maps, the credible navigation app of the schluss nor another neat gimmick is: Whoever has the Kolleg:innen at the Android police, is wohl on manchen Smartphone models that are possible, the Fahrzeug -Icon in the individual navigation mode for figures.

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Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt kannten Google-Maps-Usender: in sich den eigenen Standpunkt on der Karte statt anhand einen blaueen Pfeils durch een von three verschiedenen Fahrzeugtypes anzeigen lassen.

Zur Wahl stands between a standard car, a Gelber SUV or a green pick-up truck. On the iPhone 16 Pro you will find a few other icons: a limousine, an SUV, a jeep-style gel car, a schrägheck model and a wagon, which broadly resembles a Tesla.

If the new car types get a new kind of color, with the icon of man, it can individualize. Neben den Farben Gletscherweiß, Nachtschwarz, Wasserblau and Mohnrot are not only Violett, Gelb and Grau.

The other icons and the blue sheet can no longer be displayed in detail.

New Google Maps Icons: So wait a minute

Although Android Police war the new function has now been found on the iPhone 16 Pro, on the new Google Pixel 9 the war to the time of the display is neither hinged nor paintable.

Once Google has exposed all settings on Maps on iOS and Android, the option may be expanded with a number of updates for all new smartphone models.

If you start navigation mode and then tap the blue Pfeil (or your desired icon), you can use this function. If the option is found, the new automatic type can be changed.

Google Maps Neurungen 2024

Google hat seinem Navigationsdienst Maps dieses Jahr bereits some practical new information. So since the summer of 2024 there are no longer satellite and Streetview access points, but an option, with other car manufacturers: for accidents and problems on the Fahrbahn warning.

Use an extensive Spur assistant for navigation. During the integration of Gemini, a man may find himself in a natural language after it has spread. Hinzugekommen is a green symbol, the eingänge von Gebäuden anzeigt and a feature, the park place in the Nähe that eingänge hervorhebt.

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