
Do you want to leave the City-Wache on Prager Straße?

Do you want to leave the City-Wache on Prager Straße?

Dresden. We have completed more than 300 Straftaten in those years in the Bereich-zwischen Hauptbahnhof and the beginning of Prager Straße in Dresden. If you deploy the general service of the general services and the Präsenz- und Ermittlungsgruppe Innenstadt of the Polizei established in 2023, it is a problem to get to a city guard nearby. Die soll nun kommen – aber nicht als reine Station für Polizei und Ordnungsamt. The most important fragments and answers to the theme.

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Weshalb would be ordered to the City-Wache?

The security battle of the Einkaufsstraße Prager Straße is years old. Händler and Besucher lament the situation. And the hat of the police in the Region is a Schwerpunkt for Drogen, Waffen, Diebstahl, Raub and some more extensive forces. Remove a central stand. Jene soll de Dresdnerinnen and Dresdnern gefühlte and reale Sicherheit geben. Gleichzeitig soll see aber auch Lossungs for the multiple problems presented, due to this situation entstanden ist and by the Penalties dort mehrt begun to be remedied.

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City and police will remain in society longer, while the problem and Prager Straße will be solved. The Ordnungsamt and the Police are active in the Bereich route. Because the CDU has contributed in a city, there is a country that has its own police station in Prager Straße.

Was war an urgent plan?

It seems that the CDU has left the repressive Herangehensweise in Blick, and also the government and the government of the police by the police and law enforcement officers during the Ordnungsamt. These sollten a new Standort directly on the Einkaufsmeile sister ammenarbeiten.

“We live in the situation, on the Prager Straße – starting from the Wiener Platz and at the Galeria Kaufhof – not without the gift of waste, without the care of the loved ones, secretly affected,” so CDU-Stadtrat Hans-Joachim Brauns. “Zusätzlich gibt es zwischen Stadtforum und Rundkino een Drogenszene.”

In the area of ​​the Wiener Platzes, also in front of the Hauptbahnhof, the strengthened Einsatz von Polizei and Gemeindlichem Vollzugsdienst has “nicht zu einer durchschlagenden Besserung geführt”, says Brauns. “It is important that the ordnungskräften ensure that there is a good chance that a problem will arise. The only thing that exists is a Wache, a stelle, on which the police sit, no longer has to be the Ergreifung von Straftätern. People, the people in the shield are alive, they are not alone and there is still the safety of the people, they are safe.”

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Who would discuss the plan?

Grünen-Stadtrat Moritz Knobel described the Wache as “Chance of more Security, if he has a good stature”. Deshalb brauche is a “ganzheitlichen Ansatz”.

“Policy präsenz alone prevents any punishments. We believe in social work, not even absenteeism, but without preventative work,” he says. If the problem is not resolved, it can no longer be processed. No police posts will be isolated, but one of the company’s measures, one of the quality projects on the scaffolding.” Projects that constitute the outreach worker of “SafeDD” will still be implemented.

That is concrete with SPD city council Stefan Engel. “The problem layers are complex: such, diebstahl, körperliche unversehrtheit and so on. Aber in Dresden is reminiscent of Sodom and Gomorrha, Dresden is one of the largest cities.” When the time comes, the fear of “SafeDD” has broken out.

The left sprach itself hinges on a City Wache as well. “If you are aware of your safety measures, that is the truth, but it is also good news,” says Tilo Kießling. “Eine Wache would not bring a Verbesserung. Folks, the situation is that the small crime scene over Wasser stops complaining, has a problem and has made a note. If you buy one of the Prager Straße Ruhe, you can find the Leute and other Couples in the Stadt. We buy a Verdrängung, de Unsicherheit und unter stelle erzeugt. The Händler tries to clarify the theme and it is so that it is different, it will end.”

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The AfD hinges, it is a Wache, will become other punks, who as ergenzung-beantragt wurden: neben Polizei und Ordnungsamt dort auch Vertreterinnen und Vertreter von “SafeDD”, weiteren Streetworker, des Citymanagements, der mobile child and youth care and des Dynamo Fan projects are a regular occurrence for Ort zu haben. “The problem of the Kriminalitäts is a large part of the Borders zu our eingewandert,” thus the Meinung of AfD-Stadträtin Silke Schöps. „Wir brauchen keine new Spielweise for left-wing Sozialvereine. Der Kuschelkurs is massive am Scheitern.”

Was wurde decided?

The City-Wache will come, thus the Entscheidung des Stadtrates. There were, among others, the police, the Ordnungsamt, Street Worker and other sogenannte Präventionsansätze. If the city costs a small plant, a price is paid that costs approximately 80,000 euros per year.

Who is the police of the project and does it want to come?

The police and the city of Dresden are a sinful company or a sinful Baustein of one of the many ganzheitliche Ansatzes. “The ultimate goal of all police measures is the improvement of the objectives of security and the subjective security objectives in the inner city,” said police president Lutz Rodig. “The einrichtung of a city guard cannot help. Letztlich sie aber immer nur a Baustein one of the joint Gesamtkonzeptes of Stadt and Polizei. The meaning of the treatment is the result of all aspects of security work for the rest. Not otherwise, I often enjoy wholesome answers.”

Police officer Thomas Geithner has made it clear that the city guard is not a Polizeiwache, the police have no problem with response time in the city center. If you are aware of the Begriff City-Wache, this is possible.

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This watch is a central defense system for security measures for the “Kiez Innenstadt” signal and for an improvement in the defense of the police for the future. Pregnancy became with the nutzung of the objects auch die Präsenz for Ort and the Vernetzung erhöhen. “These policies are more likely to be successful,” said Geithner. “We will be together in October with the first Erfahrungen mit Aufenthaltsverboten as Mittel der Gefahrenabwehr. It is possible that a mistake is being made.”

Man is happy with the police over the entscheidung des Stadtrates. “Education, weil mit dieser political legitimation of the financing and financing of projects in an unbridled situation,” said the Sprecher.

It is the biggest Knackpunkt: the financing. “First, if the financing is taken over by the city, part of the economy can be expanded and the Wache can continue with personal business.” The money can now be withdrawn from the main building for the first plant 2025/2026 and will eventually be spent. Then you focus on the Opening Time.