
Das erwartet Besucher heute (1.11.) on the Laternenmarkt in Gotha

Das erwartet Besucher heute (1.11.) on the Laternenmarkt in Gotha

In Gotha you can take part in the Laternenmarkt on November 1 with the Halloween Lampionumzug. Freut Euch auf local activities, fell Leckereien and a Lichtermeer.

Gotha – If it’s okay Gothaer Laternenmarkt read Euch am Freitag, 1.11. Herzlich een, gemeinsam de gemütliche Jahreszeit eenzuläuten en zauberhaften Abend zu erleben.

Halloween is a Tag here and on November 1st the Innenstadt turns into a Lake of Light and gruesome Figures!

Then there will be a great deal on the later market for Halloween lamps.

An end to the years could bring even more action in Gotha. More than this is not possible.

Großer Laternenmarkt am Freitag (1.11.) in Gotha

We were not there at the Laternenmarkt in Gotha, but it was lost!

We were not there at the Laternenmarkt in Gotha, but it was lost! © Gewerbeverein Gotha

If I have ever been to Gotha, I know that I will once walk in a Buntes Lichtermeer at the Laternenmarkt in the Innenstadt.

This ereignis is a highlight and am November 1 That’s it anyway!

Bereits starting at 8 a.m. You can enjoy the Trubel at the Neumarkt: The Wednesday market is open to the public and there are plenty of attractions.

Freut Euch dann ab 16 Uhr auf eine Hüpfburg für die Kleinen, verührerische Naschereien und die Opportunityheit, eigene Laternen zu basteln and zu gestalten.

But that is not longer than everything! At 9 p.m. there are many problems in the Innenstadt, geöffnet and closing with special activities and rebates. Here you can do some nice things, some things and some other Schnäppchen-ergattern.

A withered, genius and herbal atmosphere is created in the marketplace of the market. Schlendert von Stand zu Stand, probiert regional Köstlichkeiten und last Euch von der Vielfalt des Angebots begeistertn.

Halloween-Lampionumzug see at the end of Gotha

The last memories that Innenstadt zum Leuchten bring!

The last memories that Innenstadt zum Leuchten bring! © Gewerbeverein Gotha

From 4 to 9 p.m Erstrahlt Gotha und diesem Abend dann in een besonderen Glanz.

Das Light von hunderten Laternen starts in the city at 5:30 PM in the Pagenhaus in front of Schloss Friedenstein.

These years will take place at some point, it’s all a bit charged, it’s fitting for the Halloween motto you can use!

The city becomes cheerful with small and large geisters, gruesome monsters and all kinds of shabby figures, which appear slightly in the light spectacle.

Who over time will go through no one’s Umzug will be used as the name “Heinzi”, Ralph-Uwe Heinz. If your big mouth and songbook are cut in hand, they are suitable for proper immunization.

Heinzi (right) was happy with a big picture and a small Lampiongänger.

Heinzi (right) was happy with a big picture and a small Lampiongänger. © Gewerbeverein Gotha

The Lichterstrom from Lampions and Laternen flows through Gothas Innenstadt and follows the streets into a Lichtermeer.

Vom Hauptmarkt as well as the route along the historic Marktstraße to the Neumarkt, including the Laternenmarkt and a warm welcome.

A tipp for everything that neither ohne Laterne sind: At the stand of Franziska Reddig, from the Knoten Troll company, I was able to find my own later shapes and thus perfect for the devices used.

The most festive route is then the Erfurter Straße fortress and fire station at Arnoldiplatz, before it is a schließlich beim Moses a kleineen Halt – here it is a great overview.

They will be absent during the Mönchelsstraße next to the Buttermarkt. Dort erwartet Euch de “Gruselallee”, de Abend sicher mit Gänsehaut ausklingen lässt.

Darauf könnt Ihr Euch dieses Jahr noch freuen

At night, Gotha is always a visitor.

At night, Gotha is always a visitor. © Gewerbeverein Gotha

After Halloween, the Weihnachtszeit and the Vorfreude may take place at the most wonderful time in the coming years.

Um Euch perfect darauf einzustimmen, stop the Stadt Gotha zahlreiche Highlights are: Ab Mitte November könnt Ihr Euch den Gotha Gutschein Advent Calendar 2024 free of charge.

Hinterjedem Türchen lauren exciting Rabattaktionen der local Geschäfte, die zum Stöbern en Entdecken einladen.

And we could enjoy the Advent calendar in the Gothaer Innenstadt even more from December 1 to 24.

If you are a Lieblingshändler, you will receive an exciting new deck – which is fun with special moments, fun experiences, wonderful moments and an exciting program for both large and small.

The festive decorations and light shows are a highlight in Gotha.

The festive decorations and light shows are a highlight in Gotha. © Lutz Ebhardt

The tag Besuch in der Innenstadt is also final, except when I am December 5, 8 and 13.

Zum Nikolaus hat die Stadt eine beondere Überraschung vorbereitet! All children have ended, the blitzblank movements in one of the teilnehmenden-geschäfte-abzugeben.

If you take the time to fulfill the style and make and display a festive decoration in the bowl, the small amounts will be removed.

But damn it, no pleasure!

Am sold by Sonntag (8.12.) and am Freitag (13.12.) Power of the Weihnachtsmann höchstpersönlich Halt in Gotha.

The brands are looked at as the children come out of childhood and when they are closed or weihnachtslied. If nothing else, maybe it could be a small gift!

Those years when Gotha was also not in store – ideal for a winter season during the winter and a festive moment. Worauf wartet Ihr noch?